首页> 中文期刊>对外经济贸易大学学报:国际商务版 >发展中国家FDI理论框架的演进及其评述




With the emerging of FDI from developing countries, classic FDI theories are subjected to great challenges. Scholars have been seeking the appro- priate theoretical explanation according to the attributes of developing countries' FDI. The paper reviewed the relevant theoretical frameworks, combed the main ideas and found the relations and evolvement of them. The conclusions after the review are as follows: OLI framework is limited in justifying the FDI activities from developing countries and more appropriate for developed countries; LLL framework focuses on interpretation of the dynamic process of late-comers' catch-up FD1 strategy; the RII model which is based on resource-industry-institu- tion view is more comprehensive and combines both static and dynamic frame- work for developing countries. The analysis and comparison of these theoretical frameworks can contribute to the study of developing countries' outward FDI in- cluding China.%随着发展中国家对外直接投资实践的兴起,经典的国际投资理论的适用性受到挑战,学者们力图针对发展中国家的特点发展合适的理论解释。文章回顾了关于发展中国家FDI的理论框架,梳理了其主要思想,并发现理论框架间的关系和演进过程。通过文献综述,得出如下结论:OLI框架对发展中国家对外直接投资的解释能力有限,更加适合发达国家跨国公司的投资行为;LLL框架更注重对后发国家追赶型海外直接投资动态过程的解释;基于资源、产业和制度基础观的R11模型,是更加全面且动、静态相结合的研究发展中国家FDI的理论框架。通过理论框架的分析与比较,为研究包括中国在内的发展中国家的对外直接投资行为奠定理论基础。



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