首页> 中文期刊>对外经济贸易大学学报:国际商务版 >论网络服务提供者的连带责任——以网络著作权间接侵权为视角




《侵权责任法》第36条第2、3款的规定,明确了网络服务提供者在网络侵权行为中承担连带责任的条件和范围。以网络著作权侵权行为为视角,笔者分析了网络著作权侵权行为适用过错责任原则,阐释了通知规则与知道规则的适用条件、界限,认为知道应包含明知和应知。网络服务提供者系基于为网络用户的网络著作权直接侵权行为提供服务,而构成网络著作权间接侵权。网络服务提供者依据第2、3款承担的连带责任,其基础在于网络服务提供者与网络用户的共同侵权行为。在连带责任内部,网络服务提供者一般应当承担次要责任,具体连带责任所包括的范围,取决于网络服务提供者知道侵权行为存在的时间点。%The conditions and scope of joint liability of internet service provider (ISP) was confirmed by clause 2, 3 of the article 36 of tort law of PRC. Based on the view of tort of internet copy rights, this paper gives an analysis on the application of fault liability on the tort of internet copy rights. The paper also explains the application conditions and limits of know rule and notice rule, in particular, holds the opinion that the meaning of 'know' includes know and should know. Based on the direct infringement of internet copy rights which committed by internet user, ISP constitute the indirect infringement of internet copy rights. Ground on the joint infringement of ISP and internet user, ISP should be charged with joint liability pursuant to clause 2, 3. Meanwhile, ISP should be charged with a secondary liability in the joint liability. Furthermore, the scope of joint liability depends on the time point that the ISP knows the existence of tort.



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