首页> 中文期刊>对外经济贸易大学学报:国际商务版 >生产者服务业对“中国制造”转型的效用研究




“中国制造”经历了30年的发展与进步后,目前已成为“世界工厂”,生产的商品遍布各地。面对国内、外新形势,“中国制造”在赢得微薄利润的同时,也承受着高能耗、高污染、低利润、低技术的制约,并不断遭受来自国际市场反倾销、反补贴的立案调查以及哥本哈根世界气候会议关于温室气体排放方面的压力。若“中国制造”能够有效融合生产者服务业提供的高智商中间产品,是有利于改变我国传统的低技术含量、低附加值的生产方式,从而达到顺利转型、升级的目的。本文基于“中国制造”的现状,运用实证研究方法得出我国生产者服务业对“中国制造”的效用先呈下降趋势,经过一段时间的融合期后逐渐转降为升,开始向促进“中国制造”转型、升级的方向发展。提出为更好地实现生产者服务业对“中国制造”转型效用的发挥,发展服务型制造业是一条有效途径,并提议政府应对新兴服务型制造业给予相应的重视与支持。%After 30 years' development, "China' s manufacturing" is popular all over the world with the name "The World Factory" . Under the background of international and domestic conditions, "China' s manufacturing" suffers high pressure coming from many aspects, such as high energy consumption, high pollution, low added value, investigations of anti-dumping, anti-subsidy tax of international markets and greenhouse gases emission blames of the Coperhagen meeting. If "China' s manufacturing" merges producer services well, it would promote high semi-products combining with lower technology manufacturing to realize the goal of upgrade in industries. This paper applies empirical methods to test the action of producer services to "China' s manufacturing" The "China ' s manufacturing" reduces value at first, then begins to increase after transition periods. It puts forward one channel to develop service-manufacturing in order to combine the "China' s manufacturing" and producer service. We hope our governments can pay more attention and support the progress of service-manufacturing.



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