首页> 中文期刊>火工品 >高能碳氢燃料的热氧化动力学研究




采用TG-DSC同步热分析仪在氩气气氛下研究了挂式四氢双环戊二烯(exo-THDCP)的热解性能。用不同升温速率的PDSC曲线进一步考察了氧气氛围下exo-THDCP的热氧化性能。结果表明,在高压氧气下exo-THDCP在温度高于380.53℃时将会发生氧化分解反应,反应过程可认为是单步反应。分别用Popescu法、FWO法和KAS法计算获得了exo-THDCP的热氧化分解动力学参数,确定反应机理函数为Avrami-Erofeev方程(n=3/4)。3种方法得到的活化能数值具有良好的一致性,活化能与指前因子之间存在动力学补偿效应。%The pyrolysis performance of exo-THDCP was tested by TG-DSC method under argon atmosphere. Meanwhile, the thermo-oxidative decomposition of exo-THDCP was studied by using PDSC curves at different heating rates under oxygen atmosphere. The results show that under high pressure, the oxidative decomposition of exo-THDCP will occur at temperature above 380.53℃, and the reaction can be considered as a single step. The kinetic parameters were calculated by the Popescu, FWO and KAS method, and reflect that the thermo-oxidative decomposition process of exo-THDCP could be described by the Avramic-Erofeev equation (n=3/4). The activation energy values obtained by the three methods are in good consistency. Kinetic compensation effects of the activation energy and pre-exponential factors were also found.



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