首页> 中文期刊>工业工程 >精益思想视域下的供应链成员知识服务研究




基于精益思想的视角,采用文献分析方法,对供应链成员知识服务研究现状进行梳理,对成员知识服务存在的问题进行剖析。针对相应问题,将知识服务流程归纳为需求表征、知识集成、知识融合及显性化、知识服务反馈4个环节,并将精益思想融入供应链成员知识服务中,构建了成员知识服务的精益模型,设计了“宏观链—微观环”的组合方式,并提出了实施策略,即知识需求确定,知识流分析,知识产品价值拉动和服务过程优化。%Based on the perspective of Lean Thinking , using the method of literature analysis , and com-bing the research status of the knowledge services in supply chain members , the issues of the knowledge services in supply chain members are analyzed .In accordance with the corresponding problems , knowl-edge services processes , which can be summed up as demand representation , knowledge integration , knowledge fusion and externalization , knowledge services feedback , and lean thinking , are incorporated into the knowledge services in supply chain members .Then a lean model of the knowledge services in sup-ply chain members is built , a“macro-chain-micro-ring” combination designed , and the corresponding im-plementation strategy put forward which includes the requirements definition , knowledge flow analysis , knowledge product value driving and service process optimization .



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