首页> 中文期刊>工业工程 >高校论文答辩排班模型与应用




Thesis oral defense scheduling is an important part of educational administration in colleges and universities. It has a direct influence on the fairness of review. Factors including characteristics and situa-tions of oral defense scheduling, differences between reviewers who are in different research fields, time request of different reviewers, existing relationships between reviewers and respondents, the workload limit of reviewers who are assessing respondents′ thesis and the constraints that limit the number of reviewers and respondents of different groups have been considered. A two phase nonlinear integer programming model which includes group stage and reviewers′ assignment stage is built. Then a complexity analysis is executed which confirms that thesis oral defense scheduling problem is a NP-hard problem. The rationality and validity of the model are proved with an example using lingo mathematics software. It can be confirmed by the experiment that the model is helpful in improving the work efficiency of administrative staff and quality of defense management work.%论文答辩排班是高校教务管理中的重要任务,答辩排班结果的质量直接影响评审的公平性.详细分析高校论文答辩排班问题的特性和情景,保证评审的公平性,考虑评审人在不同研究方向上擅长程度的差异、评审人能参加答辩的时间安排要求、评审人与答辩人可能存在的师生关系、评审人评审工作量的限制、每个答辩组中答辩人数和评审人数的限制,等等因素,建立答辩分组和组内评审指派的两阶段非线性整数规划人员排班模型,对答辩排班问题的复杂性进行分析,基于lingo软件中的分支定界算法对问题进行求解,通过实例验证了模型的可靠性和求解结果的合理性,较好地解决了高校答辩排班问题.



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