首页> 中文期刊>工业工程 >基于加权求和算法的多目标订货决策模型




基于传统的EOQ模型,研究以制造商碳排放量最小化和制造商利润最大化为目标的多目标优化决策模型。模型中制造商的碳排放量并不是单纯的与订货量呈线性关系,而是考虑每次订货时,运输产生的碳排放量与订货次数呈线性关系,库存产生的碳排放量与库存量呈线性关系。采用加权求和的多目标规划解法对模型进行求解,分析了碳税对多目标决策的影响,发现不同隶属度权重下,多目标决策的订货量、需求和碳排放量均呈现出不一样的变化趋势,说明碳税政策对于企业具有明显的减排效果。对于环保意识强的企业,政府应该采取降低碳税的政策;对于重视经济利益的企业,政府应该增加碳税来减少碳排放量。%A model is proposed taking into account the link between an inventory policy (EOQ),total car-bon emissions,and both price and environmental dependent demands. A multi-objective optimization mod-el is developed,in which both carbon emissions minimization and manufacturers profit maximization are a-chieved. In this model,carbon emissions of manufacturer is not merely linearly related with the order quantity of goods,which shows that transport and warehouse operations generate large amounts of carbon e-missions. The weighted sum algorithm is presented to solve the proposed model. The carbon tax's influence on the multi-objective decision-making is analyzed. It is shown that under different membership weights, order quantity,demand and carbon emissions have different change trends,which indicates that carbon tax will effectively reduce total carbon emissions. On the one hand,for an environmentally aware company, the government should take the policy of reducing carbon tax;on the other hand,to reduce carbon emis-sions,the government should increase carbon tax of some companies whose main motivation is profit.



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