首页> 中文期刊>湖北农业科学 >光、氮对水稻根系特征和碳代谢的影响




The influence of different nitrogen supply and light intensity under solution culture on root characteristic and carbon metabolism of two rice varieties, Liangyoupei-9(V1) and Shanyou-63(V2) , were studied. Under high light intensity condition, total root length, root tips, root surface area, root volume, root dry weight, shoot dry weight, root/shoot and total dry weight of the two varieties increased firstly and then decreased with the increase of nitrogen level. Under low high light condition, these indexes of Liangyoupei-9 changed the same as that under high light intensity, but that of Shanyou-63 dropped continuously. Under two kinds of light condition, plant height, chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate of the two rice varieties increased at first then dropped with the increasing of nitrogen level, whereas the plant height under low light condition, chlorophyll content and tiller number under high light conditions of V2 increased gradually. Except for the starch in V1 ,which dropped firstly then increased under low light condition the content of soluble sugar and soluble starch in the two rice varieties dropped gradually uner high light condition. All indexes but plant height under low light condition are lower than those under high light condition.%以杂交水稻的两个品种为试验材料,研究两种光强和4个氮水平对水稻苗期根系特征及碳代谢的影响.结果表明,强光条件下随氮水平的增加,两个品种光照务件下的总根长、根数、根表面积、根体积、根干重、冠部干重和总干重均呈先升后降趋势,遮光务件下,两优培九(V1)与光照下变化趋势一致,汕优63(V2)逐渐降低;两个品种在两种光照条件下的株高、叶绿素含量和光合速率均基本呈现先升高后降低趋势,只有V2在遮光奈件下的株高、在光照时的叶绿素含量缓慢升高,而分蘖数逐渐增加:光照下.碳代谢的中间产物可溶性糖和可溶性淀粉除Vl淀粉含量先降后升外其余呈逐渐降低的趋势,遮光时,可溶性糖和可溶性淀粉含量除V1淀粉含量逐渐降低外其余则先降低后升高.除株高外,先照下所有指标都比遮光时高.



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