首页> 中文期刊>湖北农业科学 >杜鹃花期早晚种配置延长观赏期的研究




Rhododendron forest park is one of our natural wonder. To extend its florescence, species with various flowering times were selected and introduced and the survival rate and flowering duration were recorded. Two early flowering species,Rhododendron scabrifolium Franch and R. siderophyllum Franch, had survival rates of 41.4% and 76.8%. The survival rates of R. stamineum Franch. var. stamineum, R. jiulongshanense Xiang Chen et Jiayong Huang, R. liliifiorum Levl,R. molle (Blum) G. Don, R. decorum Franch and R. annae Franch, which usually bloom in later seasons, were 100%,100%, 100%,98.0%,95.7% and 90.9%, respectively. Mixed planting with earlier and later flowering could significantly extend florescence of Rhododendron species in the park. The flowering time could be 10~15 days earlier and about 70 days later. Local soil was in favor of Rhododendron cultivation and high humidity was required for successfully transplanting.%为延长贵州省百里杜鹃国家森林公园的花期,选择观赏价值高的不同花期高山杜鹃进行了配置和移栽适应性研究,多点对比试验结果表明,桂叶杜鹃(Rhododendron scabrifolium Franch)、锈叶杜鹃(R.siderophyllum Franch)2个早花杜鹃种移栽成活率分别为41.4%、76.8%:长蕊杜鹃(R.stamineum Franch.var.stamineum)、九龙山杜鹃(R.jiulongshanense Xiang Chen et Jiayong Huang)、百合花杜鹃(R.liliiflorum Levl)、羊踯躅[R.molle(Blum)G.Don]、大白杜鹃(R.decorum Franch)、桃叶杜鹃(R.annae Franch)6个晚花杜鹃种的移栽成活率依次为100%、100%、100%、98.0%、95.7%、90.9%.早晚花配置是延长"百里杜鹃"景区花期的实用技术.通过合理配置及成功移栽,可以将"百里杜鹃"景区花期提前10~15 d或延长约70d.在移栽技术上,土壤肥力对杜鹃的成活和初期生长影响不明显,关键是湿度.



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