首页> 中文期刊>湖北农业科学 >基于移动客户端的气象预警预报系统设计与实现




如何及时、高效地将气象预报预警信息推送给决策用户和公众,为解决这一多元化的需求,常州市气象局组建团队研发了气象预警预报移动客户端(Andriod/IOS),作为典型的"互联网+气象"项目,主要从综合气象数据库设计、GIS服务、Mybatis框架、预警推送、实时预报、防灾减灾、专项服务等方面为决策提供依据.结合预报、预警、服务等气象业务需求,有效地对现有气象信息资源进行整合,并依托GIS系统对现有数据进行管理展示.客户端具备强大的气象信息数据处理和分析能力,实现对气象数据采集、处理、制作、服务管理的一体化.%How to send weather forecasting and early warning information to users timely and effective,in order to solve the diverse needs,the Changzhou Meteorological Bureau set up a team to research and development of meteorological warning of mobile client (Andriod/IOS),As a typical "Internet + weather"project,it provide the basis for decision-making mainly in-clude the comprehensive meteorological database design,GIS service,the framework of Mybatis,the warning signal push,real-time forecasting,disaster prevention and mitigation,special services and other aspects. Combined with meteorological business requirements such as forecast,warning and service,the existing meteorological information resources can be effectively integrat-ed,and the existing data can be managed and displayed on the basis of GIS system. The client has great ability in meteoro-logical information data processing and analysis,realize the integration of meteorological data acquisition,processing,production, service management.



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