首页> 中文期刊>高等职业教育-天津职业大学学报 >高职生产性实训基地运行模式的实践研究--以佛山职业技术学院为例




针对众多产学研合作模式中存在的缺乏协同创新问题,佛山职业技术学院以实习工厂为依托,以“现代制造技术服务中心”为主体,以“知识协同”和“管理创新”作为改革产学研合作的核心途径,以“技术研发”模式和“经济合作社”模式为研究对象,进行“产学”、“产研”和“产教”协同创新实践,构建产学研生产性实训基地运行模式的组织架构和管理机制。%According to the problem of lack of collaborative innovation in the numerous modes of cooperation among production, study and research, Foshan Polytechnic has carried out collaborative innovation practice in production and study, production and re⁃search and production and teaching based on the practice factory, taking the service center of modern manufacturing technology as the main body, knowledge collaboration and management innovation as the core approaches to reform the cooperation of produc⁃tion, study and research, and taking the modes of technology development and economic cooperation as the research object to con⁃struct the organization framework and management mechanism of operation mode of productive practical training base.



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