首页> 中文期刊>高等职业教育-天津职业大学学报 >心理弹性与归因方式的高职生职业素养培育研究




心理素质是职业素养的重要内容,心理弹性与归因方式是影响心理健康的重要因素。通过问卷法对高职生心理弹性与归因方式进行调查研究,发现高职生心理弹性处于中等偏低水平,倾向于内控归因风格。分析高职生心理弹性与归因方式特点,从构建立体式心理弹性保护性因素系统、优化归因方式、培养健康心理素质等三方面提出教育建议,以帮助高职生心理的健康与发展,从而提升其职业素养。%Psychological quality is an important content of professional quality, while psychological resilience and attribution style are important factors affecting mental health. Research on resilience and attribution style of higher vocational students are carried out by questionnaire, and the survey has found that the resilience of higher vocational students is in the medium low level and tend to internal control attribution style. This paper analyzes the characteristics of resilience and attribution style of higher vocational stu⁃dents, and puts forward suggestions from three aspects to help higher vocational students' mental health and development and im⁃prove their professional quality, such as constructing a three-dimensional model of the protective factor system of resilience, opti⁃mizing attribution style and cultivating healthy psychological quality.



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