首页> 中文期刊>高教论坛 >素质教育视域下的高师院校大学生文化素质教育的特色探讨




Quality education, in its broadest, general sense is the development. Teachers are the crucial factors, when it comes to means that through which people achieve free and all--rounded the application of the totally new theory to the practical process of training. Normal universities, who are responsible for the entry training of teachers, should set up the right views of talent and quality, and provide outstanding graduates to meet the needs of elementary education. Cultural quality education is the basic block of the training of the elites. Therefore, normal universities' cultural quality education should form characteristics in their target location, curriculum settings, reformation, and campus culture.%素质教育是促进人自由而全面发展的教育,将这种全新的教育理念和思想落实到具体的人才培养过程中,教师是最终决定性因素。肩负教师职前培养使命的高师院校应该树立正确的人才观和质量观,培养高素养的合格毕业生以适应基础教育素质教育的要求。高素质的人才培育呼唤大学生文化素质教育的回归。高师院校的大学生文化素质应该在目标定位、课程设置、教学改革及校园文化等方面形成自己独有的特色。



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