首页> 中文期刊>河南科学 >伏牛山南坡垂直气候带划分及常绿阔叶植物适应温度因子分析




The paper is aimed to develop a new matheord to divide the vertical climate zone of the south slop of Funiu Mountain by the vertical distribution of broad-leaved evergreen woody plants. According to the vertical distribution of 109 broad-leaved evergreen woody plants in south slop of Funiu Mountain,their temperatures in wild environment are studied. The result shows that the highest altitude is 2300 m,where the temperature factors is near those of the boundary of cold-warm zone;the lowest altitude is 100 m,where the temperature factors is near those of the boundary of north boundary of subtropical zone. Because the high boundary of 56 broad-leaved evergreen woody plants in Funiu Mountain is under 1000 m,the north boundary of subtropical zone should be at 1000 m.%试图通过对常绿阔叶木本植物的温度因子分析,探索伏牛山南坡垂直气候带划分的新途径。根据对伏牛山南坡全部109种常绿阔叶木本植物的适应温度因子的调查和分析,结果表明:最高垂直分布可达2300 m,温度指标接近寒温带的边缘;其最低垂直分布为100 m,温度指标为北亚热带。基于大多数(56种)伏牛山南坡常绿阔叶植物的垂直分布上限集中在1000 m以下的事实,建议确定伏牛山南坡北亚热带的垂直界线应该在海拔1000 m 。建议北方各地区及城市参照伏牛山南坡常绿阔叶植物的适应温度,进行引种驯化。



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