首页> 中文期刊>黑龙江科技信息 >论在测绘软件Cass7.0中批量展入控制点之方法




在一幅完整的地形图中控制点是很重要的地物符号。如何快速、准确无误的在测绘软件Cass7.0中批量展入控制点是测绘绘图人员的首要任务。在Cass7.0中“绘图处理”的下拉菜单里有“展控制点”的功能,正常来说它能利用含有控制点坐标数据的“.DAT”文件把控制点以快捷方式展入Cass7.0中,然而软件只默认展入“野外测点点号”、“高程点”或者其他的数据文件,却无法利用此功能完成控制点的快捷式展入,因此本文考虑用其他四种方法来完成此项工作,并作出优胜劣汰的比较。%In a complete control points are very important in topographic map feature symbol. How to fast and accurately in the surveying and mapping software Cass7.0 batch show the control points are drawing of surveying and mapping personnel's top priority.“Drawing processing in Cass7.0”drop-down menu has the function of the exhibition“control points”, normally it can use contains con-trol point coordinate data of control points.“DAT”file with shortcut into Cass7.0, however the software default into the“dot”field sta-tion,“height”or other data files, you will take no advantage of this feature to complete the control points of quick type into the exhibi-tion, so this article consider using other four methods to complete the work, and make a comparison of superior bad discard.



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