首页> 中文期刊> 《河北医学》 >非规律产检对子痫前期妊娠结局的影响




目的::探讨非规律产检对子痫前期患者母婴妊娠结局的影响。方法:选取2011年1月至2014年12月在承德医学院附属医院住院治疗并分娩的子痫前期患者674例,对患者年龄、职业、收入情况、是否规律产检、产检医院级别、分娩孕周、母婴并发症等进行分析。结果:非规律产检患者与无固定职业、收入低、文化程度低有关。非规律产检孕妇母体并发症中低蛋白血症发生率高于规律产检患者(P<0.05),差异有统计学意义。新生儿并发症发生率高于规律产检患者(P<0.05),差异有统计学意义。结论:非规律产检子痫前期患者母婴并发症发生率高于规律产检的子痫前期患者。非规律产检子痫前期患者中无固定职业、收入低、文化程度低所占比例高于规律产检的子痫前期患者。%Objective: To investigate pregnancy outcomes in preeclampsia patients with irregular prena-tal care. Methods: 674 patients with preeclappsia hospitalized in Affiliated Hospital to Chengde Medical Col-lege from January 2011 to December 2014 were selected as the objects. And the age, occupation, income, whether regular prenatal care, the hospital level, delivery gestational age, maternal complications of the pa-tients were analyzed. Results:The patients with irregular prenatal care were related to nonpermanent employ-ment, low income and low education level. For maternal complications, the incidence of hypoproteinemia of the pregnant women with irregular prenatal care was significantly higher than that of the patients with regular prenatal care (P < 0.05), and the incidence of neonatal complications was higher than that of the patients with regular prenatal care (P < 0.05), the difference was statistically significant. Conclusion: The incidence of maternal and infant complications in preeclampsia patients with irregular prenatal care is higher than that of the regular prenatal care. Compared with the preeclampsia patients with regular prenatal care, the preeclamp-sia patients with irregular prenatal care are more nonpermanent employment, lower income and lower education level.



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