首页> 中文期刊>广西民族研究 >云贵高原东南缘水资源维护研究




世代生息于云贵高原东南缘地区的民族众多,这些民族通过世代积累形成各具特色的生计方式,包括低山丘陵带的立体河网稻田建构、“稻鱼鸭”共生复合种养以及森林抚育的林粮间作等。这些传统生计方式对所处的自然与生态系统都能够做到高度适应。只需确保这些民族传统生计方式的传承、利用、有序推广和提升,就可以发挥对该地区水资源的维护功能,对江河下游的社会经济发展也会产生直接的影响。%Many ethnic groups inhabited in the southeastern part of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau for generations have accumulated their unique modes of livelihood, including the construction of spatial paddy fields along net of rivers, comprehensive livelihood of rice-growing, fish-farming and duck-feeding as well as food crop planting in forest etc.These traditional modes of livelihood are highly adaptable to the nat-ural and ecological system where they exist.If only these traditional modes of livelihood are guaranteed to inherit, use, spread and improve, then they can play the maintenance function of water resource in the said region.It will affect the social and economic development in the downstream region directly.



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