首页> 中文期刊>广西民族研究 >改革开放以来壮族传统文化的存续与变迁




壮族是中国南方的土著民族,具有独特的形成发展机制,形成了绚丽多姿而又独具魅力的民族传统文化。改革开放以来,一方面,壮族传统文化的部分内容,特别是传统文化深层结构中诸方面内容依然在壮族儿女的血脉延续中口耳相传,让人不由自主地蹈袭。另一方面,社会的急剧转型深刻地改变了壮族传统文化赖以存在的经济基础,既加速了壮族传统文化的解体与消散,又促进了壮族传统文化的调整与重构。时代的发展和社会的进步不断推动着壮族儿女创新和发展民族传统文化,使其达到新的形态。%As the aboriginal peoples in southern China, Zhuang nationality has its own peculiar forma-tion and development mechanism so as to the formation of glamorous and unique traditional culture.Since reform and opening up, parts of traditional cultures of the Zhuang, especially the contents of inner structure are inherited unbidden through speaking and listening among its offspring.At the same time, the rapid so-cial transformation has been profoundly changing the economic basis that the traditional culture of the Zhuang depends for existence.Not only it accelerate the breakup and disappearance of traditional culture, but it also encourage the adjustment and reconfiguration of traditional culture.The progress of the society in the age of development promotes continuously the Zhuang's sons and daughters to innovate and develop its own traditional culture, creating new cultural forms and styles as a result.



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