首页> 中文期刊>广西民族研究 >南江流域瑶族研究




作为曾经是岭南两大瑶族聚居地之一的南江流域,域内的瑶族在明中期达到繁盛状态,但却在万历罗旁之役后迅速消亡。梳理南江流域瑶族的起源、发展、兴盛和消亡的过程,分析兴衰的缘由能在一定程度上解释这种兴衰迅速转换的现象,也有助于理顺南江流域的历史和文化,为广东及其他地区的瑶族研究提供参考。%The Nanjiang river basin was once one of the two biggest domiciles of the Yao in south of the Five Ridges.The Yao became prosperous in the middle of Ming Dynasty, but declined soon after the battle of Luo Pang in the years of Wanli Emperor.To analyze the process of ethnic origin, development, prosperity and disappearance of the Yao in Nanjiang river basin and the reasons of rapid transition from prosperity to decline to certain extent will be helpful to understand the history and culture in this region, and it can also provide a reference for the research of the Yao in Guangdong province and other regions.



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