首页> 中文期刊>草原与草坪 >南方地质易灾区种草的关键技术研究进展




南方地质易灾区主要表现为石漠化严重,水土流失加剧,滑坡泥石流,洪涝灾害频发。易灾区分为热带地区,长江中下游地区,云贵高原,南方山地4种类型。种草恢复植被是一个长期过程,在南方地质易灾区选择草种应紧密结合当地的自然环境条件,采取人工播种,机械喷播和飞机播种3种方式,采用不同的技术措施,科学管理,实现生态保护,防灾救灾与农牧民经济发展相结合的道路。%The main problems existing in the disaster areas in southern China are serious rocky desertification with soil and water loss,frequent occurrence of landslide,mu-rock flow and floods.The disaster area could be divided into 4 types which include the tropical area,middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River,Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and hilly areas.It is a long process to grow grasses for the vegetation restoration,so,the grass species adapt to the natural environment in southern China should be selected and 3 seeding methods,including manual seeding,machine seeding and aerial seeding could be used.Meanwhile,it should be scientifically maintained in different technical practices in order to achieve targets of both ecological protection and economic development.



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