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The progression of clinical trials in Indonesia:an observational study of records from clinical trial registries databases


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Objective:This report presents an overview on the progress of clinical trials in Indonesia based on database assessment from clinical trial registries.Methods:Study records that were registered up to December 26,2018,were extracted from three clinical trial registries(ClinicalTrials.gov,ISRCTN registry,and EudraCT)and a clinical trial register(WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform(ICTRP))with the keyword“Indonesia”.A total of 505 records comprised of 402 interventional studies and 103 observational studies were found and analyzed.Results:The top five noncommunicable diseases(NCDs)studied were cancers,diabetes,cardiac diseases,hypertension,and gastrointestinal diseases,while the top five infectious diseases(IDs)were malaria,tuberculosis,vaccines for IDs,HIV,and dengue.Remarkably,the proportion of regional studies(within Indonesia only)was higher than that of multiregional studies(including areas outside of Indonesia)in general.This trend became most apparent after the issuance of national regulations on Material Transfer Agreements(MTA)and other rules.Upon closer scrutiny,regional clinical trials and multiregional clinical trials(MRCTs)in Indonesia differed in terms of sponsorship,target population and size,interventions,and study phases.Conclusions:The total number of clinical trials in Indonesia is increasing and is mainly attributed to the growing number of regional clinical trials sponsored from within the country.Interrelated factors have shaped the characteristics of these as compared to the dwindling number of MRCTs.Establishment of a national level of management is an option that can better facilitate both MRCTs as well as regional clinical trials,to better address the national health issues,and to cope with the regulations.
机译:目的:本报告概述了根据临床试验登记处的数据库评估的印度尼西亚临床试验进展情况。方法:学习记录,达到2018年12月26日,从三个临床试验登记处提取(Clinicaltrials.gov, ISRCTN注册管理机构和eudract)和临床试验登记册(WHO International Chinical试验登记平台(ICTRP)),其中包含关键词“印度尼西亚”.A总共505条包含402项介入研究和103项观测研究的记录,并分析。结果:研究的前五种非传染性疾病(NCDS)是癌症,糖尿病,心脏病,高血压和胃肠疾病,而前五种传染病(IDS)是疟疾,结核病,IDS,艾滋病毒,疫苗和登革舞的疫苗。商品,比例区域性研究(仅限印度尼西亚内)高于多限制研究(包括印度尼西亚境外的地区)。此趋势变得最明显在发行后关于物资转移协议(MTA)和其他规则的国家法规的ANCE.UPON在印度尼西亚的仔细审查,区域临床试验和多发性临床试验(MRCTS)在赞助,目标人口和规模,干预和研究阶段不同.CONCLUSIONS:印度尼西亚的临床试验总数正在增加,主要归因于来自国家内部赞助的越来越多的区域临床试验。与DWCLES的数量相比,预先生的因素具有塑造了这些的特征。建立了国家一级的建立管理层是一种可以更好地促进MRCTS以及区域临床试验,以更好地解决国家卫生问题,并应对法规。




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