首页> 中文期刊> 《世界地质》 >基于时频电磁法的冀中坳陷油气藏勘探调查




Time-frequency electromagnetic method is applied to the investigation of buried hill oil and gas res-ervoirs in Jizhong depression.Based on the analysis of the electromagnetic properties and the core test results of the buried hill reservoir, it is concluded that the electromagnetic anomalies of the upper reservoirs are with high polariz-ability and low resistivity, whereas the anomalies of the reservoirs within the buried hill are with high polarizability and high resistivity.According to the abnormal parameters, five buried-hill petroliferous regions are identified in the upwelling areas in Niutuo town, which are 2-1, 3-1, 5-1, 5-2 and 9-1 respectively.The results are approxi-mately consistent with the existing drilling data.%将时频电磁法应用于冀中坳陷潜山型油气藏调查中,通过分析潜山油气藏的电磁特性以及岩芯测试结果,总结出潜山带上层油气藏的电磁异常特征为高极化率、低电阻率;潜山内部油气藏的异常特征为高极化率、高电阻率.依据异常参数,在牛驼镇凸起地区划分了2-1, 3-1, 5-1, 5-2和9-1, 5个潜山含油气有利区,与现有钻探数据基本吻合.



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