首页> 中文期刊>大地构造与成矿学 >弱变形域成矿及其地质意义




控制热液矿床的成矿构造可分为两大类,一类是由构造动力破坏(构造致裂)为主形成的成矿构造——简称构造型成矿构造,另一类是由流体动力破坏(液压致裂)为主形成的成矿构造——简称流体型成矿构造。在分解变形构造场中,构造型成矿构造一般受控于面型强变形带(P域),而流体型成矿构造一般受控于构造透镜体弱变形域(Q域)。通过对典型控矿构造透镜体系统的解析,认为在韧性域与脆–韧性域,剪切带可以通过变形分解形成由面型强变形带组成的成矿场与由透镜状弱变形域组成的成矿场。当剪切带分别处于韧性、脆–韧性及脆性域时,强变形成矿场在韧性变形条件下不成矿,而在脆–韧性及脆性变形条件下则成矿;弱变形成矿场在韧性域与脆–韧性域时成矿,而在脆性域时则不成矿。上述既有联系又有差别的两类成矿场的对比研究,不仅有助于矿床建模、成矿预测与成矿构造、矿床成因等的深入研究,而且有助于将构造动力、流体动力、成矿构造、成矿流体等要素有机统一,建立构造透镜体型成矿系统;有助于揭示变形分解作用、液压致裂作用、构造泵吸作用三者之间的耦合关系,丰富成矿构造学的研究内容。%The metallogenic structures controlling hydrothermal deposits may be divided into two main categories:(1) metallogenic structure formed by dynamic failure (tectonic fracturing), namely tectonic-type metallogenic structure;(2) metallogenic structure induced by hydro-fracturing, namely fluid-type metallogenic structure. In the partitioning deformational tectonic fields, the tectonic-type metallogenic structures are controlled generally by a planar strong-deformational belt (P domain), and the fluid-type metallogenic structures are developed commonly in a lenticular weak-deformational domain (Q domain). Based on the analysis of typical tectonic lenses, we suggest that shear zones can form by deformational partitioning in ductile domain or brittle-ductile domain, whereas the ore-forming fields consist of planar strong-deformational belts and the ore-forming fields consist of lenticular weak-deformational domains. In the tectonic lens metallogenic systems, the strong-deformational ore-forming fields can have mineralization in ductile domains but not in the brittle-ductile and brittle domains;on the contrary, the weak-deformational ore-forming fields can host mineralization in brittle-ductile and brittle domains but not in brittle domains. Comparative study on the two types of ore-forming fields will shed lights on deposit modeling, metallogenic prognosis, metallogenic structure and ore genesis, as well as the ore-forming tectonics including deformational partitioning, hydrofracturing and tectonic pumping.



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