首页> 中文期刊>地质论评 >广西田林县石炭纪礁内海百合生态功能分析




本文以石炭纪的后生动物格架礁为例,从礁体生长过程和群落竞争关系的角度,对赋存于造礁生物群落中的海百合与造架珊瑚之间的关系,以及其在礁体发育过程中的作用进行详细探讨,揭示了礁生态系统内的生物因子之间的关系.研究发现:在礁体发育初期,以海百合为主的群落是造架珊瑚定殖的初始条件;在礁体的生长过程中,海百合与造架珊瑚之间存在一种受环境控制的竞争关系,两者在数量上呈现此消彼长的关系.当环境变化导致造架珊瑚死亡,礁体停止生长,海百合仍存活并不间断地为礁体提供沉积物,对已停止发育的珊瑚格架起到覆盖作用,从一定程度上保护了礁体.%In this paper,the metazoan-framing reef of Carboniferous is takeu as an example.The relationship between crinoids and frame-building corals in reef communities and the function of crinoids in reef building process are discussed according to reef growth and community ecological interactions.It demonstrated a relationship among the biological factors in reef ecosystem.It is found that the crinoids-dominating communities contribute the initialization of corals in primary stage of reef-development; while in reef-building process,an environmentcontroling competition is developed between crinoids and frame-building corals,which leads to an increase in one and a decrease in the other in biomass.Environmental changes resulted in the death of corals and the break of reef growth,leaving only crinoids,and competition disappeared.The crinoids provided bioclasts for the reef continually,which covered the coral reef framework and protected the reef to some degree.



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