首页> 中文期刊>文学理论前沿 >“世界文学”观念在中国的演变及实践




“世界文学”是比较文学与文学理论研究中的一个核心术语概念和理论范畴。自从歌德在19世纪开始倡导“世界文学”以来,国际学术界对世界文学的讨论就没有停止过。近年来,随着全球化进程的加快,“世界文学”已经成为国际学术界的前沿话题之一。“世界文学”观念在中国的演变及实践(1895—1949)是一个关系到中国比较文学发展的重要问题。世界文学观念在中国产生的前提是晚清民初世界意识的出现,并与中国近代文学变革密不可分。新文化运动前后,世界文学(主要是欧洲文学)被知识分子作为改造中国文学的利器加以运用,并走进了大学课堂。从1920年代起,中国学者开始了世界文学史的编写与翻译,为中国人系统的世界文学知识的获得做出了贡献。世界文学观念的社会化进程势不可挡。随着1930—1940年代民族危机的加重,世界文学在特殊的国内外政治语境中被赋予特殊的时代含义。世界文学观念在中国本质上表现为一种借助文学,走近世界、参与世界、了解世界、与世界对话的近代意识。近现代中国世界文学观念的产生、发展与实践始终贯穿着中国人自身的主体意识与普世情怀,反映着中国的特殊国情,是中国近代化大潮中人们精神生活的一种表征。通过对“世界文学”这一话语的运用,中国文学逐步改变了自身的封闭状态,成为世界文学的重要组成部分,为后人留下了深远的历史启示。%As an important concept , world literature is one of the core terminologies and theoretical categories in the study of comparative literature and literary theory . Discussion and debate on world literature has never stopped since it was first conceptualized by Goethe in the 19 th century .In re-cent years, world literature has become one of the cutting edge theoretic issues in the international academic circles with the acceleration of globalization . The evolution and discursive practice of world literature as an idea in modern China (1895-1949 ) is a critical question that concerns the development of China’s comparative literature.As an idea, the occurrence of world literature was based on a cosmopolitan consciousness and connected to the change of modern Chinese literature closely .In the New Culture Movement period , world literature, especially European literature , was applied as an efficient in-strument for reforming Chinese literature by the intellectuals and appeared in university courses.From the 1920s, Chinese intellectuals began to edit and translate kinds of History of World Literature which helped Chinese readers to obtain a system of world literature knowledge .The socialization of world liter-ature as an idea was overwhelming .During the 1930s and 1940s, specific po-litical meaning was added to world literature with the growing national crisis . The idea of world literature in modern China is essentially a kind of modern consciousness that approaches the world , participates in the world and talks to the world through literature .It carries the subjective consciousness and uni-versal feelings of Chinese people and reflects the special national conditions of modern China .It is a characteristic of spiritual life in the process of Chinese modernization .With the discursive practice of world literature, Chinese litera-ture changed its isolated position and has become one of the important parts of world literature, which has a profound historical significance .



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