首页> 中文期刊> 《中国能源》 >京津冀及周边地区中低品位工业余热资源潜力与利用分析




There is rich waste heat resource in industry sector in China. High-temperature waste heat recovery has seen significant success, however, low and medium temperature waste heat has not been developed effectively, despite its huge resource in wide ranges. To promote low and medium waste heat recovery is an important path to achieve the 13th Five-year's energy saving targets and Revolution of Energy Consumption and Production. This paper takes five high-energy-consumption industries in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Inner Mongolia and Henan provinces as objects and presents analysis of waste heat potential, resource utilization methods and problems in low and medium temperature waste heat recovery in industry sector, and provides its comments and suggestions.%我国工业领域余热资源丰富,高温余热利用已经取得显著成效,中低温余热资源量大、面广且未得到有效开发,大力推广中低温余热利用是实现我国"十三五"节能目标和能源消费革命的重要途径.本文以京、津、冀、晋、鲁、蒙、豫7省市区5大高耗能行业为研究对象,测算了中低品位余热资源潜力,探讨了资源利用方式,分析了工业中低品位余热利用问题,提出了相关建议.



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