首页> 中文期刊>电子测试 >浅谈教师教育信息化与教师信息素养提升




Modern information technology with computer and network technology as a symbol of the emergence, has profound influence on the social life in various fields. Informatization of teacher education to en-hance the information literacy of our universities, teachers are also put forward specific requirements. Therefore, this article from the basic connotation of teachers’information literacy, expounds the develop-ment present situation of information literacy of teachers in Colleges and universities in China, focusing on how to improve the information literacy of teachers on the background of teacher education information-ization and puts forward some strategies, in order to provide certain reference meanings to promote the healthy development of China’s education.%以计算机和网络技术为标志的现代信息技术不断涌现,对社会生活中的各个领域产生了深刻影响。教师教育信息化对我国各大高校教师信息素养的提升也提出了具体要求。因此,本文从教师信息素养基本内涵入手,简要地阐述了我国高校教师信息素养的发展现状,重点对教师教育信息化背景下如何提升教师信息素养提出了相关策略,以期为促进我国教育事业健康发展提供一定的借鉴意义。



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