首页> 中文期刊> 《中国电力》 >高海拔750kV变电站防晕金具设计及电场分析




Finite element analysis (FEA) and ultraviolet imaging detection technique is used to analyze the positions and reasons for corona discharge in Guanting 750 kV substation. The high partial electrical strength is caused by the large angle of bolts and corona-proof boards, low corona-proof capability, wrong size and structure of grading rings. In order to eliminate corona loss and electromagnetic interference, an optimal design of corona-proof fittings in higher altitude 750 kV Riyueshan substation is performed. The electrical field strength is reduced effectively by applying corona-proof boards and clamps, optimal design of grading rings number and sizes. The simulation and testing results on the optimized design show that there is no corona happens when the electric field strength is less than 1.5 MV/m in Quighai high altitude area.%采用有限元仿真计算与紫外成像观测相结合的方法,分析了高海拔官亭750 kV变电站设备连接金具产生明显电晕的位置和起晕原因,主要是螺栓和防晕板的棱角过大、自身防晕能力差以及均压屏蔽环的结构尺寸设置不满足要求,造成局部电场过高.为消除电晕造成的损耗和电磁干扰,掌握高海拔超高压变电站连接金具起晕电场值,对海拔更高的日月山750 kV变电站进行了防电晕金具优化设计.通过设置防晕型接线板和连接线夹,优化均压屏蔽环数量和尺寸等措施,有效降低了防电晕金具沿面场强.对优化后的金具进行仿真计算和测试,得到在青海高海拔地区,防晕金具表面场强小于1.5 MV/m时,无电晕放电发生.



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