首页> 中文期刊> 《中国电力》 >燃煤电厂低浓度颗粒物测试的空白试验研究




燃煤电厂烟气超低排放已全面实施,进一步完善低浓度颗粒物测试技术势在必行.通过现场实测,并结合ISO 12141-2002的相关规定,开展了燃煤电厂低浓度颗粒物测试的空白实验研究.对进口滤筒与国产滤筒进行空白实验对比,发现进口石英滤筒性能优于国产玻纤滤筒;对一体化采样头整体称重和滤膜单独称重进行空白实验研究,发现拆装操作增大了空白偏差波动幅度;在空白实验研究的基础上开展工程现场实测.最后,为制修订州关标准,探讨了低浓度测试时空白实验的合理性和必要性.%The flue gas ultra-low emission has been fully implemented in coal-fired power plants.Therefore,it is imperative to further improve the particle testing technology at low concentrations.In this paper,through field measurements,and in consideration of the related provisions in ISO 12141-2002,the study on the blank test of particulate matter testing at low concentrations is carried out for coal-fired power plants.The blank testing and comparison on imported and domestic cartridges indicate that the imported quartz filter cartridge outperforms the domestic one.In addition,the comparison study of blank test between the integrated sampling head and the membrane is also conducted.It is observed that the disassembling operation can increase the fluctuation amplitude of the blank test deviation.Then based on the study results,the onsite testing is performed.At last,the reasonableness and necessity of blank test are discussed for the establishment and revision of the relevant standards.



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