首页> 中文期刊>教育研究 >试论教育现代化的基本特征




Modernization of education is an integral part as well as an inevitable requirement for the development of social modernization. The modernization of society and modernization of education develop concomitantly. There are several features about modernization of education, such as educational democracy and fairness, lifelong learning without time and location limitation, productivity and sociality, and individuality and creativity, etc. During the process of modernization of education, the relationship of modern education and traditional education should be dealt well with. At the same time, foreign educational thoughts and experiences should be handled properly. National Education Plan designed a grand blueprint for China to achieve modernization of education, therefore, studying and implementing it seriously are the historical mission of educators.%教育现代化是社会现代化发展的必然要求,也是社会现代化的组成部分。社会现代化和教育现代化是一个相伴发展的历史过程。教育现代化包括教育的民主性和公平性、教育的终身性和全时空性、教育的生产性和社会性、教育的个性性和创造性等特征。在教育现代化的过程中要正确处理好现代教育与传统教育的关系,同时要正确对待外国的教育思想和经验。《教育规划纲要》为我国实现教育现代化设计了宏伟蓝图,认真学习和落实,是教育工作者的历史使命。



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