首页> 中文期刊>教育研究 >家族式民办高校代际传承问题研究




Intergeneration transition is the legal and inevitable trend of the development of family private universities. Affected by the factors of imperfect legal environment and traditional culture, intergeneration transition is more complex. The factors that restrict the intergeneration transition of family private universities are mainly from the restriction on the organizers, successors and management. To realize the effective transition and sustainable development of family private universities, the universities must work on building the common vision of the school development, drawing up and systematically implementing the succession planning, strengthening system construction; meanwhile, the government should actively help the private universities cultivate the successors, and assist the universities which are in trouble with the succession to realize smooth transition.%代际传承是家族式民办高校发展的必然趋势,具有合法性;但受法制环境不完善和传统文化等因素的影响,代际传承更具复杂性。制约家族式民办高校代际传承的因素主要来自三个方面:举办者的制约、继任者的制约和管理层的制约。要实现家族式民办高校的有效传承和可持续发展,高校应努力打造发展愿景,制订并有步骤地实施传承计划,加强制度建设;政府应积极帮助高校培养继任者,支持并协助传承出现困难的高校实现平稳过渡。



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