首页> 中文期刊>教育研究 >自由与束缚:课程改革中教师的学科依附




One of the institutional interests of curriculum reform is to empower teachers and provide more room for teachers to exert their professional autonomy. However, the tension between professional empowerment and bureaucratic control increases the feelings of insecurity among teachers. Academic subject is teachers' familiar comfort zone. Confronted with the risk and uncertainty during the reform, teachers usually resort to academic subject for protection and attach themselves to habitual academic subject teaching so as to pursue work meaning. As a result, teachers construct their subject identity through narrative in professional life. It implies that educational reform should pay attention to the subjective meaning that teachers confer on reform and teachers' professional life and consider the academic subject as an important level of policy implementation. Teacher education needs to broaden teachers' knowledge horizon and develop their consciousness and ability in self-empowerment.%课程改革赋权予教师的制度旨趣拓展了教师专业自主的空间,但专业赋权与政治控制的张力相持增加了教师的不安全感。学科是教师所熟悉的“舒适地带”,面对改革中的风险和不确定,教师往往诉诸学科的庇护,归依惯常的学科教学,并在其中积极找寻工作的意义,在专业生活的叙事中不断建构学科依附的自我认同模式。这就提示教育改革需关注教师赋予改革的主观意义和教师的专业生存样态,视学科为重要的政策实施层面,教师教育要注重拓宽教师的视野,培养教师的自我赋权意识和能力。



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