首页> 中文期刊>教育与教学研究 >跨越院系与学科障碍,促进科研项目合作——基于H大学C项目的案例研究




文章采用案例研究法,通过对H大学工业设计系C项目的研究,总结其成功的经验:C项目组是由科研人员自主管理的,带有临时性和松散性特点的学者联合组织;采取以项目为纽带的混合型学会组织运作方式;通过加强成员间的沟通与协商来打破学科思维定势与理解偏差;中国传统道德规范在协调成员关系中发挥着重要作用;在成员激励方面,通常采取物质手段和为个体提供发展机会相结合的激励机制。另外,为了促进跨院系、跨学科项目的顺利发展,必须面对如何降低和避免项目失败风险、如何协调成员教学与科研的冲突、如何促进跨学科研究与跨学科教育相结合等现实问题的挑战。%This paper takes the C project as study case in H University, and finds that the C project is managed by scientific msearchem themselves,and it is a temporary and loose joint organization of the scholars, which adopts the operation mode of hybrid organization that takes the project as a link. It breaks the discipline thinking set and understanding deviation by strengthening the communication and consultation be- tween meanbers. Meanwhile, Chinese traditional moral standard plays an important role in establishing a harmonious relationship between mem- bers. The incentive mechanism adopting material means and providing development oppoaunities is used to stimulate the members. In addition, ~ ~, m order to promote the smooth development of the project,challenges of how to reduce and avoid project failures,how to deal with the conflicts between teaching and the scientific research and to promote interdisciplinary research and interdisciplinary education should all be faced.



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