首页> 中文期刊>教育与经济 >北宋太学办学经费扩充探析




As one of the main forms of higher education in ancient China. The Imperial College of the Northern Song Dynasty is outstanding. even taking the first place in the Chinese educational history. The successful handling of the Northern Song Dynasty Imperial College is insepara-ble to the sufficient provision ,which source of funds comes from two main channels:one is government funding;the other independent financing. the main subdivision consists of learning field rent,given money, house rent ,sale income of printing books, interest rate, minister money, folk dona-tion. Because of its funding source is wider, and allowing for independent financing, so the Northern Song Dynasty Imperial College can be healthy managed.%  太学是中国古代高等教育的主要形式之一。北宋太学在中国教育史上出类拔萃,乃至独占鳌头。北宋太学的成功办理,与其经费供应的相对充足是密不可分的。其经费来源,主要有两个渠道:一是政府拨款;二是太学自主筹措。若细分,计有赡学钱、赐钱、学田租、房租屋课、光监钱、刊印经籍销售款、公使钱、息钱、民间捐资等。正因为其来源较广,并允许自主筹措,故使北宋太学得以健康办理。



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