首页> 中文期刊>教育与经济 >高等教育国际化:德国经验及其对中国教育和经济发展的启示




在经济全球化的背景下,高等教育国际化浪潮势不可挡,其经济学动因既有经济全球化这种外部因素要求,更有教育本身的规模经济效应和国家经济利益的驱使。本文结合笔者在德国留学期间的研究和见闻,以德国为案例分析了德国高等教育国际化过程中的课程国际化、学生国际化以及师资国际化措施,尤其是重点分析了其英语教学过程中的英语课程设计、国际课程开发和英语人才的培养措施,德国高等教育国际化为现代很多国家提供了一个样板,德国经验之于中国高等教育的国际化改革具有重大启示。%  Under the economic globalization, high education internationalization has become the inevitable tendency around the world. The e-conomic motivation includes not only the external factors such as economic globalization, but also the push power such as economy scale of educa-tion and national economic interests. Combined with the author’s research and information as the visiting professor in Germany, this paper has an-alyzed the internationalization measure of course, student and teaching staff, especially emphasized on the study of design of English taught course, cultivation of international course and the training measure of international talents. Germany’s high education internationalization has presented a model for many countries currently;it also displays significant enlightenment to the high education’s internationalization reform in china.



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