首页> 中文期刊> 《工程抗震与加固改造》 >5·12汶川地震后陕西太白县建筑震害调查分析




Shanxi Province is one of worst disaster areas in 5·12 Wenchuan earthquake, especially in the southwest mountain villages and towns. The investigation of Taibai disaster area is presented. Taibai area intensity of the quake is 6 degrees, and the seismic intensity is 7 degrees, but the damage situation is very serious. Through a comprehensive analysis of earthquake damage, a conclusion that building geographical location and geological conditions, the selection of the structure system and construction, as well as the cumulative damage, are the main factors of the serious damage is obtained. So some recommendations are suggested: ( 1 ) Because the adobe structure has no seismic performance, the application of masonry structure is recommended. (2) The new site of villages and towns should be selected in relatively flat region. (3) In order to improve the buildings seismic pedormance, the construction quality, seismic guidance, and the safety awareness should be enhanced. The results offer a theoretical basis about the reconstruction of villages and towns for the government in the future.%5·12汶川地震发生后,陕西是受灾最严重的省份之一,尤其是西南部山区的一些村镇建筑破坏十分严重,为此对太白县进行了实地考察.此次地震太白县的烈度为6度,而当地抗震设防烈度为7度,但是震害情况却十分严重.通过对震害情况全面系统的综合分析得出:建筑所处的地理位置、地质条件、结构体系选型与施工、以及震害累积等因素是造成这次震害严重的主要原因.从而提出以下几点建议:(1)土坯结构没有抗震性能,建议停止使用,推荐大量使用砌体结构.(2)在新农村的建设中,村镇的选址应尽量选在较平坦的地区.(3)加强村镇建设的施工质量管理和抗震指导,并使人们增强灾害安全意识,提高农村房屋的抗震性能.分析结果为今后的村镇重建以及新农村的建设提供了理论依据.



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