首页> 中文期刊>敦煌研究 >大桃儿沟第9窟八十四大成就者图像考释




The Great Peach Valley Grottoes site is located in the Great Peach Valley in the western section of the Flaming Mountains of the Turfan Basin. Ten Tibetan Buddhist caves survive at the site. The two sidewalls of Cave 9 are covered with the images of eighty-four Mahasiddhas. A comparison with the paintings in the Phalkor Monastery in Gyantse, Tibet, and those in Cave 465 at the Mogao Grottoes suggests that the images found in Cave 9 are more similar to those in the Mogao Grottoes. For example, the image of the Mirror-Holding Master appeared in both the Great Peach Valley Grottoes and the Mogao Grottoes, but not in the Phalkor Monastery. This seems to indicate that the images under discussion were based on the same draft, and that the images in the Great Peach Valley Grottoes originated from those of Mogao Cave 465. This also clearly verifies the westward dissemination of Tibetan Buddhism in the Song and Yuan dynasties.%大桃儿沟石窟位于吐鲁番盆地火焰山西段的大桃儿沟内,现存10个洞窟,是一处藏传佛教石窟。其中,第9窟两侧壁为八十四位大成就者图像。与西藏江孜白居寺以及莫高窟第465窟四壁下部的大成就者图像对比可知,大桃儿沟第9窟的图像与莫高窟第465窟更加接近,均出现了执镜师的图像(不见于江孜白居寺)。这隐约表明它们的绘画底本为同一个版本,可见莫高窟第465窟八十四大成就者图像是大桃儿沟第9窟的源头,这是宋元时期藏传佛教向西传播的一个鲜明例证。



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