首页> 中文期刊>敦煌研究 >《敦煌千佛洞千相塔记》《敦煌千佛山皇庆寺缘簿》录文及相关问题




千相塔(千像塔)为1910年王道士修建的一座集存残破佛像的泥塔,1951年拆除。塔前立有《敦煌千佛洞千相塔记》碑,碑文为清末著名地方官廷栋(1866—1918)所撰,石碑现藏敦煌研究院。碑文未见完整刊布。本文对该碑文进行移录并对千相塔的来龙去脉进行考察,对敦煌学史研究有一定裨益。%The Thousand-Statue Pagoda was a clay pagoda built by the Taoist priest Wang Yuanlu in 1900 to store broken Buddhist statues but was demolished in 1951. A stele erected in front of the pagoda bears an inscription written by famous local official Ting Dong (1866-1918) of the Qing dynasty. Today this stele is kept in the Dunhuang Academy, though the inscription has not been completely published. This paper transcribes the inscription and studies the history of the pagoda, hoping to provide reference for the research of the history of Dunhuang Studies.



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