首页> 中文期刊> 《疾病监测》 >1999-2010年山东省泰安市麻疹流行特征与防控策略探讨




Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of measles and the prevention and control measures in the period of measles elimination. Methods The analysis was conducted on the incidence data of measles in Taian from 1999 to 2010 to understand the measles cases distributions in this area and related factors. Results The local outbreaks often influenced the epidemic strength in whole T, aian in the year with high incidence of measles. The proportion of measles cases in urban area and suburb had increased since 2005. The cases in children less than 2 years old and adults accounted for high proportion of the total measles cases. The cases in infants less than 8 months old were correlated with nosocominal infection, medical care seeking was the major infection route. The incidence peak of measles was still in spring during a year. The epidemic strength in a year was related with the cases in last winter and the first and last cases in that year. Conclusion It is necessary to strengthen the measles immunization in key area and risk population on the basis of mass measles vaccination. It is essential to conduct measles patients' triage and isolation treatment to achieve the goal of measles elimination. Infection source surveillance, detecting case in low incidence period and early response of outbreak would facilitate the reduction of the case number during the incidence peak period of April.%目的 探讨麻疹消除阶段的流行规律与防控策略.方法 根据泰安市麻疹监测与防控资料,分析1999-2010年泰安市麻疹确诊病例三间分布特征及其影响因素.结果 在麻疹高发年份,局部疫情常左右全市流行强度,2005年以后,城区及附近乡镇病例构成增加;现阶段1岁左右病例与成年人病例构成病例主体,<8月龄病例与医源性感染有相关性,就诊途径成为主要感染方式;麻疹疫情仍存在春季季节高峰与夏秋季季节低谷,流行强度与上年度冬季病例及当年首例、末例病例有相关性.结论 在全面落实免疫策略的同时,应加强重点地区、重点人群的免疫预防工作.落实门诊患者预检分诊及麻疹患者隔离治疗是能否实现消除麻疹目标的关键.做好传染源监测,发现流行低谷期病例,对早期疫情进行规范的应急处置,可大幅度减少春季高峰期病例数.



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