首页> 中文期刊>残疾人研究 >韩国残疾人社会保障制度考察




The current social welfare system in Korea has been introduced mainly due to demands of the times. It can neither ensure all residents’ proper livelihood in risks nor fully satisfy needs of poor and excluded people in providing appropriate allocation. The historical development of social welfare for the disabled are divided into four stages: the early expansion period, the transitional period, the gradual development period and the great-leap-forward period. The traditional forms of social welfare budget for the disabled put more emphasis on the disabled in welfare institutions. However, Social Welfare Law for the Disabled was fully revised in 1999, realizing the expansion of deformity allowance and the diversified development of social welfare programs for the disabled. As a result, there has been an increasing trend towards social welfare budget for the disabled in residential care.%  韩国社会保障制度大部分是为顺应时代的需求而引入的。这不足以适当保障生活在风险中的所有韩国国民,不能充分向生活困难、被排斥的人提供适当的分配。韩国残疾人社会保障的发展历程可以分为4个阶段;初创期(建立政府以后~20世纪70年代末)、转换期(1981年~1987年)、发展期(1988年~1997年)、跃进期(1998年以后)。传统的残疾人社会保障预算更侧重在机构内残疾人,1999年《残疾人社会保障法》进入全面修订,实现了残疾津贴的扩大,残疾人事业不断多样化发展,相对来说,家庭中残疾人的预算投资方面比例出现了增长的趋势。



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