首页> 中文期刊>地球科学和环境保护期刊(英文) >Effect of Maize/Haricot Bean Intercropping on Soil Fertility Improvement under Different Tied Ridges and Planting Methods, Southeast Ethiopia

Effect of Maize/Haricot Bean Intercropping on Soil Fertility Improvement under Different Tied Ridges and Planting Methods, Southeast Ethiopia



Mono cropping is the dominant factor influencing plant nutrient uptake and loss of soil quality in Ethiopia whereas intercropping of cereal/legume has positive environmental qualities. Likewise drought and moisture stress condition is widely expanding from all direction to the center of the country. Therefore, the objective of this research was to evaluate influence of planting methods, tied ridge and cropping system on different soil chemical properties in case of Madda Walabu district, Southeast Ethiopia. It was undertaken at Bidire from March 2016 to January, 2017. In this experiment, one maize variety (Melkassa 2) and one haricot bean variety (Nasir) were used. Treatments include open end and closed end tied ridge;sole cropping and intercropping;and in furrow, on ridge and flat bed planting. Each treatment has been triplicate and the experiment plots were laid out in randomized complete block design. Intercropping of maize-haricot bean with tied ridge and planting methods were highly influenced soil pH, exchangeable potassium, available phosphorous, soil organic matter and total soil nitrogen. Generally, the use of intercropping and closed end tied ridge in combination with in furrow planting significantly increased (p0.05) soil fertility in the system, which could be promising for sustainable improvement of crop production and productivity for semi arid areas of Bale zone.




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