首页> 中文期刊> 《通讯与网络(英文)》 >Effective Life and Area Based Data Storing and Deployment in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

Effective Life and Area Based Data Storing and Deployment in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks



In vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs), store-carry-forward approach may be used for data sharing, where moving vehicles carry and exchange data when they go by each other. In this approach, storage resource in a vehicle is generally limited. Therefore, attributes of data that have to be stored in vehicles are an important factor in order to efficiently distribute desired data. In VANETs, there are different types of data which depend on the time and location. Such kind of data cannot be deployed adequately to the requesting vehicles only by popularity-based rule. In this paper, we propose a data distribution method that takes into account the effective life and area in addition to popularity of data. Our extensive simulation results demonstrate drastic improvements on acquisition performance of the time and area specific data.



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