首页> 中文期刊> 《应用数学与应用物理(英文)》 >Formation of Neutron Fields from Radionuclide Neutron Sources for Metrological Support of Dosimetric Quantities Measurements

Formation of Neutron Fields from Radionuclide Neutron Sources for Metrological Support of Dosimetric Quantities Measurements



The problems of formation of neutron fields are using the radionuclide neutron sources. Theoretical estimates of the contribution to the values of the neutron flux density, kerma and ambient dose equivalent scattered neutron radiation under various conditions of use of neutron sources. The coefficients for calculating the values of different variables at different distances from the source are using the measured values at certain distances from the source. The values of the average energies for neutron spectra are obtained using the radionuclide neutron sources.



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