首页> 中文期刊> 《自然科学期刊(英文)》 >Hiding data in DNA of living organisms

Hiding data in DNA of living organisms



Recent research has considered DNA an inter-esting medium for long-term and ultra compact information storage and a stegomedium for hid-den messages. Artificial components of DNA with encoded information can be added to the genome of living organisms, such as common bacteria. With this approach, a medium for very height densities information storage, water-marks for protection patents of genetically mo- dified organisms (GMOs) and secure public keys for decrypting hidden information in stega- nocryptography, can be obtained. In this paper, we have selected a Bacillus subtilis gene (tatAD) and use the specific properties of silent muta-tions to obtain a biologically innocuous product. An adapted code for the message insertion in this gene is proposed.



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