首页> 中文期刊> 《落叶果树》 >茎段外植体白化处理促进“皇家嘎拉”苹果不定芽再生




研究比较了来自正常和白化处理的皇家嘎拉(Royal Gala)苹果(Malus domestic Borkh)新梢节段外植体不定芽的离体再生。结果表明,白化处理的新梢顶部第一节段外植体所产生的不定芽数比第二、第三、第四节段分别高2、8、73倍;白化新梢的外植体不定芽再生数目比同一部位正常新梢高7倍。培养基添加较低浓度的TDZ有利于不定芽再生,对白化外植体来说,1μmol/L比10μmol/L高2.5倍,非白化外植体则高7倍,平均每个外植体的不定芽再生数高达68.8个。白化第一节段外植体的不定芽再生能力比常用的叶片外植体高4倍,表明该类外植体可用于苹果的转基因和染色体组工程育种。%Studies on internodal explants compared from etiolated and non- etiolated shoots of ‘Royal Gala’apple (Malus domestic Borkh) showed that the first (youngest) internodal explant from etiolated shoots respectively produced 2,8 and 73 times of the number of adventitious buds compared to the second, third, or fourth internodal explant. Moreover, this explant produced 7 times cmpaired to the similar explants from non-etiolated shoots. TDZ concentration influenced regeneration of internodal explants, with 1μM TDZ promoting about 2 and 7 times of the number of adventitious buds per explant from etiolated and non-etiolated stems respectively, compared to 10μM TDZ, and 68.8 adventitious buds were got from every explant in average. The regeneration ability of this explant was 4 times that of the other stem explants, so it could have application in apple gene transfering and genome breeding.



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