首页> 中文期刊>当代教育与文化 >“苏格拉底的无知”引发的“师生关系”




“苏格拉底的无知”不是假装无知,他是真诚地认为自己无知。不过,这种“无知”不是经验性的无知,而是一种求知态度,即认为人类永远无法占有绝对真理,但又始终不渝、孜孜不倦地追求真理。“苏格拉底的无知”引导了一种理想的“师生关系”。在这种师生关系中,教师不是权威,不是真理的拥有者,学术标准面前,师生平等。因此教师不是在传授真理,而是在向学生传达这种“无知之知”的求知态度和求知方法。教师的职责是帮助学生变得自足,然后自主地追求真理。%“Socratic Ignorance” does not mean that Socrates pretended to be ignorant . Instead , he admitted his ignorance very sincerely . His “ignorance” is not the same as the one in the sense of having little experience , but reflects a keen attitude towards knowledge seeking , namely , human beings can never ow n absolute truth , but persist in the quest for truth . Based on Socratic Ignorance , an ideal teacher-student relationship is illustrated . In this relationship , teachers are not authorities , and they are not knowers of truth . Teachers and students are equal in terms of academic standards . So teachers do not impart truth . T hey just convey to students the attitude and method of “the admission of ignorance” . A teacher's duty is to help his students become self-sufficient , thereby seeking truth on their ow n .



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