首页> 中文期刊> 《电脑与电信》 >基于新浪云计算和Android平台的移动图书馆研究与应用




在移动互联网时代,为了解决目前高校图书馆读者能随时随地使用图书馆资源和服务的问题,本系统采用新浪云计算和Android平台用来建立一个移动图书馆,系统总体上分为读者客户端和管理员服务端,分别用来满足读者和管理员使用图书馆资源和服务的需要。本系统能让广大读者访问图书馆变得更方便灵活,完成传统Web上图书馆网站和移动网站系统的绝大部分功能;同时图书馆管理人员也可以通过智能终端设备随时随地管理图书馆的资源和服务,大大提高了图书馆管理水平和工作效率。%In order to solve the problems of library resources and services that can be used by the readers of University library at any time and at any place in the mobile Internet era, this system uses Sina App Engine and Android platform to build a mobile li-brary. On the whole, the system is divided into the user side and administrator side, which are used to meet the needs of users and ad-ministrators. Users can access to the library more convenient and flexible, to accomplish the most functions of the traditional Library Web sites and mobile website system;at the same time, the library management staff can manage the library resources and services at any time and at any place by using the intelligent terminal equipment. The system greatly improves the library management level and work efficiency.



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