首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机技术与发展》 >基因表达式中含有等式约束的处理方法




基因表达式编程(Gene Expression Programming,GEP)算法是遗传家族的新成员,被广泛用于函数发现.在微分方程中,要寻找的函数需要满足初始值,即有时希望GEP找到的函数能够满足一些等式约束条件.提出了一种带拉格朗日插值函数的GEP,对生成的种群加入插值函数使其满足等式约束,为提高GEP算法的进化效率和精度对目标目标值加入尺度变化,对其放大或者缩小.这样缩短了GEP算法的进化距离,从而提高了种群的进化效率.通过仿真实例,结果表明该方法可行有效.%Gene Expression Programming ( GEP) is a new genetic algorithm for function discovery. In differential equation, sometimes hope to find the function that meet equality constraints. In order to teach this goal, algorithm with Lagrange interpolation function is proposed which makes the function fulfill the requirement of constraints. Size scale is proposed to amplify or lessen the target value in order to improve the evolutionary efficiency and precision of gene expression programming algorithm. As a result, the evolution distance of GEP algorithm shortens and the evolutionary efficiency increases. Finally, numerical experiments are performed and the results show that the method is feasible.



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