首页> 中文期刊>计算机仿真 >三维图像绘制过程优化处理方法研究与仿真




This paper proposes a method for optimization processing in three-dimensional (3D) image rendering process based on multi-stage Bezier curve fitting integrated with five points curve.Firstly,the research controlled initial point,termination point and intermediate point to fit the first section of the curve,and then ensured accordance between position and slope to fit the second curve section using endpoint of the first section as the starting point.Meanwhile,a smoothing method of five points curve research was used to control local single-stage Bezier curve effectively and smooth the curve during 3D image rendering.Finally,we completed the optimization processing.The simulation results show that the optimization processing method can provide scientific evidence for improving quality of 3D image rendering.%对三维图像绘制过程进行优化处理,在提高图像细腻度及质量方面具有重要意义.由于三维图像在绘制过程中受到采集环境及处理环境的影响,使得绘制图像模糊.传统的绘制过程优化方法主要通过对线段进行去噪及降低模糊处理,忽略了线段及图像自身的干扰,且需要经过大量的迭代计算实现,导致优化时间长,且处理效果差的问题.提出基于多段贝塞尔曲线拟合结合五点曲线的三维图像绘制过程优化处理方法,控制起始点、终止点和中间点来拟合首段曲线,以首段末点为起点保证保证位置和斜率一致拟合第二段曲线,同时采用五点曲线光滑法对单段贝塞尔曲线进行局部有效控制,在三维图像绘制过程中对曲线的光滑处理,实现三维图像绘制过程优化处理.仿真结果证明,三维图像绘制过程优化处理方法为提高三维图像绘制质量提供科学依据.



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