首页> 中文期刊>计算机与现代化 >一种改进的集群动态负载均衡算法




In the study of cluster system, the load-balancing algorithm is an important direction, because it is related to whether the multiple servers, after integrated into a cluster system, are able to collaborate well to better complete the task the users submit. To achieve this goal, the paper, basing on the analysis of the existing load-balancing algorithms, proposes an improved load-balancing algorithm that can dynamically collect the real-time server load indexes then calculate the weights of the servers in the assignation of the connection requests users submit. The test results show that the improved method can effectively prevent the servers from tilt and achieve a good load-balancing effect.%在集群系统的研究中,负载均衡算法是一个重要的方向,因为它关系到多台服务器在整合成一个集群系统后能否很好地相互协作,以更好地完成用户交予的任务.为实现上述目的,本文在分析已有的负载均衡算法基础上,提出一种改进的能够实时收集服务器负载指标,进而动态地计算出服务器在分配用户连接中的权重的方法.测试结果表明,该方法能够有效地防止服务器倾斜,达到良好的负载均衡效果.



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